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January 25, 2007

Day Nine

January 5th was supposed to be a quiet day, a time to relax and enjoy our surroundings. We got up early and in the darkness drove to the other side of Assisi so that we could attend the conventual Mass in the lower basilica. Before the mass we were treated to the chanting of the friars for Morning Prayer. In the quiet of that holy place, Mass was solemn and peaceful. After Mass we drove back to the guesthouse and then walked up the hill for our second morning at the Gran Café. After breakfast we split up for the morning with plans to meet at Il Monachi for Lunch at 1:00pm. Sr. Mary Mark was going to take a relaxing morning writing post cards, but first decided to join me for a visit to the Tomb of St. Clare. The Crypt was not yet open so we went to the side chapel to pray before the San Damiano Crucifix, the one that spoke to St. Francis. In the front of the chapel were three young men who looked like they were praying from the Liturgy of Hours. As I was sitting there praying some psalms by heart I was looking forward to the coming Monday when the calendar would return to Ordinary Time and I could use the Breviary again. As I was getting up to leave I noticed something familiar about one of the young men, and sure enough, they were the same seminarians from Louisiana that we had met on New Years day and had spent hours together standing in the darkness waiting for the Basilica doors to open. They had come to Assisi as well. So we made plans for them to meet the rest of us for lunch.

The rest of the morning was quiet and peaceful. I visited a few of the churches in Assisi, or just sat and watched as the town and the tourists went by. I also purchased some ceramics for my Sister and for the Rectory and had them shipped home.

Day9a.jpgAt 1:00pm we all met at the Pizzeria Il Monachi and proceed to eat as if we were regulars to this Italian Feasting. We were the first customers to arrive at the place. The restaurant eventually was full. We were also the last customers to leave the place. It was great food and great conversation. There is great hope for the future of the church when men of this caliber respond to the call of God to serve him in the priesthood. It was also quite affirming for me when they began saying the same things as I have been repeating to our parish team. The seminarians were Bryan and Todd from the Diocese of Baton Rouge and Travis from the Diocese of Mobile. Three hours later we paid our bill and left. It was incredibly inexpensive for a feast of seven people.

After Lunch our small group drove down to San Damiano and the shrine at Rivotorto. After that we retired back to our guesthouse. We had diner there that evening because the major task now was to pack for the trip to Siena in the morning.

Posted by Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, C.PP.S. at January 25, 2007 2:16 PM

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