Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, C.PP.S.: September 2004 Archives

on the road

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Eclectic Weekend


Presided in Spanish, Concelebrated in Portuguese, Presided and preached at one mass in English, one funeral, two baptisms.

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Busy day, week


Sorry for the blog slow down. Believe it or not I am still unpacking and getting settled. Deacon Roger Wedl's wife Esther passed away last Saturday and that has pretty much consumed the week. Today we have three masses, plus one baptism, two weddings, one funeral, Confessions, and the Portuguese procession in honor of Our Lady of Fatima. There are two priests. I think you can do the math.

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The English version is below

Como seguidores de Jesus, nos comprometemos a seguir su camino. No es suficiente saber lo que El quiere. Tenemos que hacer lo que nos pide. En las ultimas semanas nos ha pedido hacer decisiones dificiles sobre nuestra lealtad, para ayudarle a los pecadores, a los que estan perdidos, y ahora quiere que prestemos mucha atencion en como manejamos nuestro dinero y reflexionemos sobre lo que hacemos con lo que tenemos. Como Cristianos, como seguidores de Jesus, vivimos en este mundo de valores perdidos. Que debe hacer un seguidor de Jesus? En el evangelio de hoy el administrador demuestra los caminos de este mundo, la respuesta animada que gente de esta epoca demuestra en su trato con otras personas y que Jesus compara claramente con la respuesta tenue de los discipulos al Reino de Jesus.

Los discipulos deben de convertir dinero a una ganancia celestial al compartirla con los demas, especialmente los mas necesitados.

El administrador en el evangelio de hoy es un administrador injusto; se preocupa solo por el. El patron en el evangelio de hoy es un patron injusto, esta cobrando demasiado. Parece que Jesus esta celebrando a estas personas. No esta celebrando sus injusticias. Esta alabando su iniciativa, sus acciones de valor. Y se puede escuchar su deseo que sus seguidores demostraran la misma iniciativa en edificar el reino de Dios. Los hijos de este mundo son mas astutos con su gente que los hijos de la luz.

Alguien que es discipulo de Jesus tendra que darle lealtad unicamente a Dios. De otra manera, estaremos esclavizados por nuestros trabajos y la busqueda por la riqueza y otras cosas, cosas que se enmojecen y desbaratan y al final de cuentas, no nos traen felicidad. La persona que es leal a Dios es generosa en compartir lo que tienen con los demas, especialmente los mas necesitados. Jesus indica que los administradores de este mundo, los manejadores de este mundo, los mas astutos y manipuladores de este mundo, saben utilizar los recursos de este mundo mejor que los hijos de la luz, y esas no son Buenas Nuevas para el reino de Dios.

No podeis servir a Dios y al dinero. Las Buenas Nuevas para el reino de Dios es cuando los Cristianos, seguidores de Jesus, se unen y hacen lo que el hizo. No debemos escaparnos del mundo. Tenemos que vivir en este mundo en una forma DIFERENTE, porque somos religiosos, porque somos Cristianos. Esto no quiere decir que solo se nos otorgue ganancias “espirituales,” “rezar” y que el resto de la creacion resuelva los problemas del mundo. No, usemos todo, recursos espirituales, recursos del ser humano, y recursos materiales.

Las prioridades de este mundo nos dicen que pongamos atencion a cuanto tenemos y que hemos ganado. Los valores del Evangelio nos indican a como usar lo que tenemos para ayudar a nuestro projimo. Si consideramos lo que tenemos solamente para nosotros, lo perderemos tarde o temprano. Si consideramos lo que tenemos como un regalo de Dios para ayudar a los demas, entonces sabremos que hicimos lo que Jesus nos pidio. Si tengo un carro solo para presumir mi carro, que la gente lo admire, estoy presumiendo algo que se va enmojecer y que despues no funcionara. Pero si tengo un carro y lo uso para ir al trabajo, para llevar a mis familiares al trabajo o a la escuela, para llevar a un vecino que este anciano a la iglesia, para hacer mandados para el vecino que no puede salir de su casa, entonces el carro se convierte en un instrumento del bien, y demostraremos iniciativa al reino de Dios.

Jesucristo, siendo rico, por nosotros se hizo pobre, para enriquecernos con su pobreza. El Señor quiere que los hijos de la luz tomen mas iniciativa en edificar el reino de la luz que los hijos del mundo toman en edificar el reino de la oscuridad. Como aprendemos todos los dias de dar de nosotros mismos, de servirnos unos a los otros, de apoyarnos, nos convertiremos en los hijos e hijas de la luz y ganaremos la bendicion de Jesucristo, nuestro Señor.

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General Assembly

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We have an extraordinary General Assembly going on over in Rome right now. You can check for updates each day here, and there might be occasional documents posted here.

Prayers for the success of the assembly would be appreciated by all.

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Transisitions are great producers of stress. One of these days I may actually be unpacked and moved in. Did I mention that this place has 5600 families, nine masses on each weekend in three languages? Then since Thursday is my new day off, this is the second day off in a row that I have missed. It was a day for all the priests to gather and the learn than in order to comply with the Diocese's Safe Environment for Children program that all Lectors and Eucharistic ministers, ushers and choir members, indeed any volunteer is required to be screened for Megan's law. It is not just the moving that is making me feel a bit overwhelmed.

One of these days I may actually have internet access again. My little laptop has not been connected to the internet in over two months. I am at the secretary's computer which I do not get much use of during the day.

Oh, did I mention that the parish has a bit of a debt that I uncovered? No one seemed to be aware of it, not even the finance committee. It is a mere $115,000. arghhh.

Slowly but surely, I am getting moved in. I bought another bookcase today.

The people have been most gracious and welcoming. They have actually been pretty wonderful. They always seem so happy to see me. Apparently the teachers, a bit in shock, I guess, over some liturgical inovations I have imposed (we stick to the book now) are rather pleased that I am at the school every day and showing such interest in the school. ( I gave them a liturgy preparation workshop yesterday.)

One of the Baptism candidates mentioned at Adult Faith Formation last Tuesday that suddenly the music in church was beautiful (The choir started up again last Sunday.) I snuck into choir practice tonight and they were indeed sounding pretty wonderful. There is no chant on the horizon yet, but I am being patient. The music director is new and started the same day I did. It is taking us all awhile to get settled, although he seems to be doing great. We have a new Young Adult Choir that is rehearsing, and the children's choir will be starting soon.

I understand we may have a new wireless router installed on the weekend, so I am hopeful. Regular blogging will continue once I get reasonably settled.

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still swamped

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Yesterday was taking care of hang-ups. All the pics are on the walls now and there is still some room left. Today was a school mass, staff meeting, appointments and Adult Faith Formation this evening.

In the morning I leave for St. Louis, for the PBLC HRI meeting, and will be back on Thursday. Friday begins the Retrouvaille weekend in Oakland and prayer posting would be appreciated by the couples.

I am almost unpacked. If I would only stay around long enough. This is my third mid-western trip in a month.

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Day off


I have too much to do, but I am also trying to stay healthy. So I took my regular day off which is going to be Thursdays. I went to the Pauline book and media Center to pick up the book I had chosen for Adult Faith Formation. I had ordered 20 copies but now that does not look like it will be enough. Then I met Alice for lunch. She is a sudent at the University of Chicago I had met this past year when she was baptized at the Easter Vigil. She is originally from San Francisco and is currently dating Patrick who sings in the Gregorian Chant Choir there. I did some banking and grocery shopping so now I have enough to pay credit card bills and to shave in the morning. It was a quiet evening, but tomorrow will have its own fireworks. As with any change in pastorate it is wise to get the parish books audited so that will be 9:30am to 4:00pm tomorrow.

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  one of Fr. Keyes' photos

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About this Archive

This page is a archive of recent entries written by Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, C.PP.S. in September 2004.

Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, C.PP.S.: August 2004 is the previous archive.

Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, C.PP.S.: October 2004 is the next archive.

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