on vacation

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The Warrenville meeting is over. It was eventful, historic, and set the agenda for the days ahead. I am taking a few days of rest and relaxation at my old place in Chicago, seeing friends and getting caught up on some writing. I return home Wednesday for a council meeting and then back to the parish. I have been browsing through some documents on Gaspar, searching for the names of some of his friends and companions. One of them may inspire the choice of a name for the new puppy.

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Who composed Ashes? Maybe that would be a good name for your dog friend.

Nope, I do not need a daily reminder of a dog of a song.

Glad to see you are looking up Gaspar's friends. Actually, my first instinct was Maria. Maybe formally Maria Mattias and nickname could be Matty. Calling her Maria in Newark would be the equivalent of the West Side Story's Tony calling/singing out "Maria" in Spanish Harlem and expecting only one response. \;)
Maria Elena

I, too, am waiting with bated breath to hear the name for the new puppy, but I am intrigued by the second sentence of your message. Is something about to happen?

Speaking of names for dogs, how about Sunshine or ChaCha

  one of Fr. Keyes' photos

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This page contains a single entry by Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, C.PP.S. published on November 15, 2004 7:42 PM.

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