Notes from Rome

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From my Roman Correspondent:

By the grace of God and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we have a Pope!!

The whole Church rejoices at the election of our Most Holy Father, Benedict XVI, the Bishop of Rome, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Servant of the Servants of God!!

As a student in Rome, it was my profound pleasure to meet Cardinal Ratzinger on several occasions. Not only does he have a brilliant mind and boundless abilities, but his is a truly pastoral heart. On each occasion, I was stuck by his humility, his gentleness, and, yes, his shyness. He lives his spirituality in a most direct way, and I have no doubt that he truly believes those first words spoken as Pope – he sees himself as nothing more than God’s humble servant. What an inspiration to us all.

And how appropriate to take the name Benedict! With that choice, he evokes the richness of the Benedictine tradition and the great motto of the Rule: ora et labora. Prayer and work. Surely this will guide his service to the whole Church.

God bless Benedict XVI!!

Viva il Papa!!!

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Thank God for EWTN! While other networks are calling our new Pope a hardline conservative and saying he was head of the same council that made the inquisitions, EWTN has said many of the same things your Rome Correspondent has said. Over and over I have heard that Pope Benedict XVI is very humble, gentle, and very spiritual. Thanks be to God. God bless our new Holy Father!

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This page contains a single entry by Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, C.PP.S. published on April 19, 2005 3:27 PM.

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