July 2005 Archives



Patrick and his Father arrived after driving a bit over 700 miles. Welcome!

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100 Days

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Pope Benedict's first 100 days.

I think he is going to be (indeed, already is) another great Pope.

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From a classmate...

I could not have said it better than this and, indeed, I have been thinking along the same lines.

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Spent a good 20 minutes or more on the treadmill with a bunch of wires hooked up to me. Turns out I have a heart, and it seems to be in perfect working order.

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It's Back

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St. Blogs server apparently died and it was impossible to blog today, even though I tried several times. It was nice to be missed. Peggy emailed me to ask what happened and even Brian went looking for me by way of his blog.

I was about to turn off the computer and go to bed when I decided to check one last time, and this time it worked. Now I do not even remember what it was I planned to say early. Maybe the new light of the morning will reveal it.

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From Don Marco:

Canticle 3:1-4b
Psalm 62: 2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9
John 20: 1-2, 11-18

July 22, 2005
Monastery of the Glorious Cross, O.S.B.
Branford, Connecticut

Woman of fire,
woman of desire,
woman of great passions
woman of the lavish gesture,
Mary of Magdala!

The icons show you robed in red,
covered in the blood of the Lamb,
a living flame, a soul set afire.
You are there at the foot of the Cross:
kneeling, bending low, crushed by sorrow,
your face in the dust.

You love,
but in that hour of darkness,
dare not look on the disfigured Face of Love.
It is enough that you are there,
brought low with him,
Enough for you
the Blood dripping from his wounded feet,
Blood seeping into the earth
to mingle with your tears.

You seek him on your bed at night,
Him whom your heart loves.
David’s song is on your lips:
“Of you my heart has spoken: Seek his face.
It is your face, O Lord, that I seek;
hide not your face from me” (Ps 26:8-9).

His silence speaks.
His absence is a presence.
And so you rise to go about the city,
drawn out, drawn on by Love’s lingering fragrance.
“Draw me, we will run after you, in the odour of your ointments” (Ct 1:3).

You seek Him by night
in the streets and broadways;
you seek Him whom your soul loves;
with nought but your heart’s desire for compass.
You seek Him but do not find him.

In this, Mary, you are friend to every seeker.
In this you are a sister to every lover.
In this you are close to us who walk in darkness
and wait in the shadows,
and ask of every watchman,
“Have you seen him whom my soul loves?”

Guide us, Mary, to the garden of new beginnings.
Let us follow you in the night.
Wake our souls before the rising of the sun.
Weep that we may weep
and in weeping become penetrable to joy.

The Gardener waits,
the earth beneath his feet watered by your tears.
Turn, Mary, that with you we may turn
and, being converted,
behold his Face
and hear his voice
and, like you, be sent to say only this:
“I have seen the Lord” (Jn 20:18).

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New Schola

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It is time. I have been thinking about this for a while, so must do it while the iron is hot. With all the musical experience I have, especially the last two summers sitting literally at the feet of one of the great modern masters, I propose to begin a west coast version of Fr. Heiman's Schola Speciale. We shall study the Messine neums in the Graduale Triplex and sing them accordingly. This will not be an academic exercise, per se. The purpose is to learn to pray these chants in the liturgy.

Gregorian Chant is supposed to have pride of place in the Liturgy. It seems a struggle just to provide it a place.

Anyway, five men are expected tonight to begin the enterprise. If there is sufficient interest we shall also begin one for women.

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It has been a crazy week. Yesterday morning woke up to some significant chest pains at 1:30am, and several times after. Finally after the 9:00am Mass had a series of three of them and finally called a doctor who told me to come in. Nothing to be worried about, apparently. Today the blood tests show that they were probably muscle spasms unrelated to the heart which seems to be fine. Nonetheless, Doc will have me on a treadmill early next week to check things out. Most of it seems to be from accumulated stress. Fr. Joseph graciously took both masses this morning and I slept in, taking the whole morning off. I am looking forward to retreat/vacation August 8-15. Peace and quiet on Long Island Sound, heading over to Connecticut to a monastic guest house. Seems that when you are not taking care of yourself your body will certainly let you know.

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Letters 2251-2500

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Ah, the choir today was absolutely fabulous. It is everthing that I had hoped for in the past year. More than just singing something at the liturgy, this time they brought life and excitement to the music throughout the entire mass.

They took a break from their summer vacation to come back and sing the Mass where we honored Fr. Steven Lopes on his new appoinment to the CDF. Our new music director is doing a fabulous job. All this time when wanting more from the choir, they had been led to believe I wanted less and even considered them unimportant. Nothing could be further from the truth. With Sam at the helm, there is a great deal of hope for the next choir year, and many of the choir members have expressed thanks and support for the new director.

It was only about 15 members from the choir, but they sounded better and larger than they had all year. The descants were well placed, and the choir involvement in the Gloria and in the Psalm brought a freshness and vitality to the Liturgy. The other two choir selections were beautifully executed and very prayerful. What a grace!

All Creatures of Our God and King
Kyrie Cum Jubilo
Melodic Gloria, James Chepponis
The Seed that Falls on Good Ground, Psalm 65 from the Gelineau Psalter
Paschal Alleluia, Tone VI with verse
Tu Es Sacerdos, Robert Kreutz
The Community Mass Acclamations and Agnus Dei, Proulx
In Memory of You/Ave Verum, Peloquin
Ave Verum Corpus, Saint-Saens
Holy, Holy, Holy

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Zenit has the text of the Instrumentum Laboris for the Synod on the Eucharist on its site. This is the working document for the meeting. I found the section on Liturgical Music very supportive of recent moves we have made here at the parish in that area.

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In 2003 for the Formator School held in Rome I was asked to prepare and present a History of the Pacific Province. Recent events have forced the Province to close, so I did some editing and added a new conclusion. It is a rich and wonderful history with a sad ending. The Mission of St. Gaspar continues out here on the West Coast. The Document with its new ending is posted here.

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IRS update

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Two hours, forty-five minutes on the phone. Spoke with four people, one clueless, two who said I computed everything correctly, and one who said it was incorrect but could not tell me how.

Incompetence abounds. It is still possible I will pay more in tax than I earned. Everything is in the mail.

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Any surprise?

You scored as Roman Catholic. You are Roman Catholic. Church tradition and ecclesial authority are hugely important, and the most important part of worship for you is mass. As the Mother of God, Mary is important in your theology, and as the communion of saints includes the living and the dead, you can also ask the saints to intercede for you.

Roman Catholic


Neo orthodox


Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan




Modern Liberal




Reformed Evangelical




Classical Liberal


What's your theological worldview?
created with QuizFarm.com
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On Hold


...with the IRS, 44 minutes and counting as I type this. It is pretty boring listening to them figure out this letter they sent me. If I am going to send them another $174, they had better be clear on where they think I made the error.

My adjusted gross income last year was $1833. The tax I paid was $1083.

My question: How does someone who is poor and does not have the resources I have deal with this?

I am on hold again, we are 50 minutes and 49 seconds into this.

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I'm Home


... and I am still tired. Of course there was a huge pile of mail waiting for me, but I went through it all this morning and threw most of it away. Late Saturday night I saw that the mass schedule had changed. It is a good thing I had not taken that extra Mass the Youth group had wanted because then it would have been five masses. Still, they invade my backyard just as I was ready to devour barbequed chicken, because they had failed to arrange for anyone to open the sacristy for them. The maintenance man is putting a lock on my backyard gate today.

July 4th was like a war zone around here. The sound of fireworks in the neighborhood resounded until the early hours of the morning. The puppy endured it well, sleeping soundly at my feet while I devoured a book with gregorian chant playing softly in the background.

Today, it is back to normal with the regular joys and sorrows of daily life.

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Yesterday was the Solemnity of the Most Precious Blood. At the parish we are transfering the feast to Sunday, but we celebrated here in the heartland, the land of the cross-tipped churches, at St. Charles Center.

I tried several time to blog yesterday, but was unable. RC's email this morning explained why. Anyway, blessings on the feast, and if you are anywhere near Newark, come and celebrate.

Today, it is a drive across Ohio and Indiana to Midway Airport in Chicago for the flight home.

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  one of Fr. Keyes' photos

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