Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, C.PP.S.: December 2007 Archives

Before the Mass began, the choir sang “The Prophecies: The Lord our Coming King” in Latin from the Roman Gradual, followed by “Ave Maria” by Victoria and then the Hymn, “Lo How a Rose.” Then I sang the “Kalenda,” the great announcement of the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ from the center aisle flanked by acolytes carrying candles and incense. From there we proceed to the crèche. I chanted the blessing prayer from the Book of Blessings. Then the procession to the altar began accompanied by the Choir singing the Introit for Mass at Midnight.

Procession to the Crèche: Adeste Fideles
Introit: Dominus Dixit ad me, mode II
Signum Crucis: chanted, Latin
Greeting: Chanted, Latin
Confiteor: chanted recto tono, English
Kyrie, Mass VIII
Gloria: Mass VIII
Collect: chanted in English
Readings, Mass at Midnight
Psalm: Psalm 96, Today is Born our Savior, Chant, Mode II
Alleluia, Chepponis Christmastime Alleluia
Creed: recited
Intercession, Te Rogamus
Offertorium: Laetentur Caeli, Mode IV
Gesu Bambino
Hark, the Herald Angels Sing
Oratre Fratres, chanted in English
Prayer over the Gifts, chanted in English
Sanctus, Mass VIII
Eucharistic Prayer I, chanted, Solemn Tone, in English
Mysterium Fidei, Solemn Tone
Our Father, chanted, English
Agnus Dei, Mass VIII
Ecce Agnus Dei, chanted in English
Communio: In Splendoribus, Mode VI
Sleeps Judea Fair
Child of Mercy (Haas)
Silent Night
Closing: Joy To the World

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New Candlesticks

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Following the example set by Pope Benedict in November:


and then seeing the candlesticks available on the New Liturgical Movement Blog,

I undertook several days of bidding, and having been sucessful, we began at Midnight Mass a new tradition for the Solemn Masses at St. Edward



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  one of Fr. Keyes' photos

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This page is a archive of recent entries written by Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, C.PP.S. in December 2007.

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Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, C.PP.S.: January 2008 is the next archive.

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